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0806 -2491-386



At Equitable Medicaid and Clinical Research Ltd/Gte, we recognize the critical importance of maternal and child health in building strong, healthy communities. Our Maternal and Child Health programs are designed to provide comprehensive healthcare services to expectant mothers, infants, and young children in underserved areas, ensuring healthy pregnancies, healthy children, and healthy futures.

Our Maternal and Child Health services include:

– Prenatal Care:
– Regular check-ups and health assessments
– Nutrition counseling and supplementation
– HIV and syphilis testing and treatment
– Tetanus toxoid vaccination

– Safe Delivery Services:
– Skilled birth attendance and emergency obstetric care
– Clean delivery kits and safe birthing practices
– Postpartum care and support

– Postnatal Support:
– Postpartum check-ups and health assessments
– Breastfeeding counseling and support
– Family planning education and services
– Newborn care and vaccination

– Essential Vaccinations:
– Routine immunizations (BCG, DPT, OPV, etc.)
– Pentavalent and pneumococcal vaccines
– Measles and malaria prophylaxis

– Education and Empowerment:
– Nutrition and breastfeeding education
– Child development and parenting skills training
– Family planning and reproductive health education
– Support groups for mothers and caregivers

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals, including obstetricians, pediatricians, midwives, and community health workers, work together to provide compassionate, patient-centered care. We prioritize cultural sensitivity, dignity, and confidentiality, recognizing the unique needs and challenges of each community we serve.

Through Maternal and Child Health programs, we aim to:

– Reduce maternal and infant mortality rates
– Improve pregnancy outcomes and birth weights
– Enhance access to essential vaccinations and healthcare services
– Promote healthy child development and nutrition
– Empower mothers and caregivers with knowledge and support.

More info.

Questions about our services? Connect with us. Your concerns matter, and we're here to assist you promptly.