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0806 -2491-386



We prioritize sexual and reproductive health as a fundamental aspect of overall well-being and quality of life. Our comprehensive program provides compassionate care and education to individuals in rural and underserved communities, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.

Our Sexual and Reproductive Health services include:

– Family Planning and Contraception:
– Education on various contraceptive methods
– Access to contraceptives (oral, injectable, implantable, etc.)
– Family planning counseling and support

– Prenatal and Postnatal Care:
– Regular prenatal check-ups and health assessments
– Nutrition counseling and supplementation
– Safe delivery practices and postnatal follow-up
– Newborn care and vaccination

– Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Prevention and Treatment:
– Testing and treatment for STIs (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.)
– Counseling and education on safe practices
– Contact tracing and partner notification

– Education and Counseling:
– Comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education
– Puberty education and menstrual health awareness
– Sexual consent and healthy relationship counseling
– Access to sexual and reproductive health resources

– Adolescent Health Services:
– Puberty education and sexual health awareness
– Access to confidential health services (contraception, STI testing, etc.)
– Education on responsible decision-making and healthy relationships

– Support for Survivors of Sexual Violence:
– Medical treatment and forensic examination
– Counseling and psychological support
– Legal assistance and advocacy

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals, including obstetricians, gynecologists, and counselors, work together to provide patient-centered care that prioritizes confidentiality, dignity, and cultural sensitivity. By addressing the sexual and reproductive health needs of underserved communities, we aim to improve health outcomes, reduce disparities, and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their bodies and relationships.

More info.

Questions about our services? Connect with us. Your concerns matter, and we're here to assist you promptly.